Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Winter approaches

The air is decidedly colder - there was ice on the plants, railing, and roof this morning. Winter is well on its way, and we pull on our sweaters, gloves, and caps as we venture outside.

Apart from his perennial curiosity about the front yard, Fig has not shown much interest in going outside for quite a while, preferring to spend his days curled up on the sofa or on his cushion under the dining table, near the heating vent. He is a little thinner, and is developing some bald patches on the backs of his legs where new fur isn't growing to replace the old. He is a little slower, and we can feel nodules under his skin. Still, he doesn't seem to be in pain, and his appetite for food, attention, and watching through the window is as strong as ever, so I hope that he will remain with us through the holidays. Winter may be upon us, but we don't have to succumb...not just yet.

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