Thursday, November 12, 2009

A turn for the worse?

Fig has been quiet the last two days, and his appetite has been poor, despite getting his steroid shot last night. Even his beloved Bonito flakes haven't tempted him much today. He spent most of the day sleeping in his crate, and asked to come back inside after only a short while on the back deck today. I worry that he might be in pain, that the tumor is growing larger or that his kidneys are failing to the point that he just feels too sick to be more active or want to eat much. It is possible that he is having a bad day or two and the steroid might kick in tomorrow, but according to the vet he has been living on borrowed time. Strange concept that, eh? When do you "give" the time back? When you die?

I feel despair and anger that I can't do more to help my friend. I also feel selfish, for I don't want to lose him. I am comforted when he gently bumps his head against me or purrs softly when I rub his silky cheek, and watching him charm others with his innate Figness brings a smile to my face on even the darkest of days. What a magical creature he is!

Please don't leave us yet, Fig. Your passing will break my heart.

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